Thursday, May 29, 2014

underwater fun time super adventure

One of the best parts of my day now that I have started this blog is coming home. Pumpkin Pie is always waiting for me, usually with a picture in had. Before I can get my shoes off, she is asking me if I will scan it and put it on the computer. Believe me I am more than happy to oblige.

Today's picture is an underwater scene:

I was given the go ahead to add color on the computer so here is my best attempt at using a paint program to color it in:

The dots under mouth are "talking holes" so she can talk under water. She is wearing a glass helmet to be able to see underwater as well.  What will she think of next?

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A beautiful long weekend

Pumpkin had a nice long weekend of cookouts and parties. She also made a few drawings. 

This first one is a colored pencil piece of Pumpkin Pie's best friend.
I think its how funny how everyone has the same length hair, even though her friend has very long hair :)

This one is a girl dancing, and accidentally kicking a mannequin.
 I always wonder to myself when I see things that are this specific, did this actually happen?

And this last one is a selfie within a selfie.
 In the drawing she has also drawn a picture of herself giving her teacher, Mrs. S, a big kiss. I can just imagine her sitting at her little desk at school drawing this.

Monday, May 26, 2014

A trip to the hospital?

     Pumpkin has never been to the emergency room. Things like that make me realize just how much she picks up from watching TV. When I woke up this morning and found this picture of a trip to Emergency Room, I just hoped it wasn't a sign of things to come.

Luckily, after a long weekend of cookouts and fun, no one was hurt. I hope you all had a happy and safe Memorial day weekend.

Bonus: After I scanned this in, she helped me add some color with Photoshop:

Thursday, May 22, 2014

It's Friday, I'm in love...

How about a little love for Friday, Pumpkin style.

In this watercolor picture, the heart on the left is Mommy, and the right is Pumpkin Pie. The big purple heart is because they love eachother

Here we have a young boy serenading his sweetheart after giving her a rose.

This one I wasn't really sure what I was looking at. At first I thought this was a person with a line down the middle. But then she explained to me that the left was a girl and the right was a boy and they were in love.

And finally, this is a picture she made of our good friends on their wedding day.

 Pumpkin and her sister were the flower girls, and Mommy and I were in the wedding party too!

I want to wish all my friends, family and followers, a happy long weekend, see you next time :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

I've been waiting all week...

This picture has been half done since last week. I have been gently nudging Pumpkin to finish coloring it, and she finally did. This is my favorite pony by far. She used a picture on the iPad as a reference for it.

This is Sunset Shimmer:

Sunset is using the magic in her horn to read a book of spells. She had everything but the background done, and she put it aside to work on some other pictures. I'm so glad she went back to it. :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Happy Birthday to Uncle Aaron

Today's is my brother's birthday, so Pumpkin Pie made this birthday picture for him. That's her wearing a party hat and blowing a noise-maker.

Happy 26th birthday to my younger (not little) bro. Enjoy that birthday cake!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Paging Dr. Seuss

We found this picture Pumpkin made. When I asked her about it, she said its a bike that people use that keeps them cool:

The person on top is fanning the girl in the back with a feather, and the air vent up front is keeping the girl in the recliner nice and cool. I don't know where she comes up with this stuff, but its awesome that I get to see it on a daily basis. 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

New Markers - New Drawings

Pumpkin got a new pack of markers this morning. I was still sleeping, but when I got up, these Power Puff Girl drawings were waiting for me on my desk.



and Buttercup

It makes me sad that Netflix no longer carries the Power Puff Girls, but I'm glad she remembers what they look like :)

Friday, May 16, 2014

Who are you?

Pumpkin Pie's Mommy was out for the evening, so she wanted to make her Mommy a picture

its supposed to say whooooooo are yooooou? . but I kinda like Hoooooow are yooooooou better:

Last week Pumpkin went to Frozen night at Once Upon a Kiln ( you can see our Frozen post here.) Well we got back her Olaf plate and I wanted to post it: (it has been edited to remove her name at the top.)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Backpack Surprise

These two pictures came home from school this week. Both are things she drew during her choice time. I'm really happy that the teachers have embraced her desire to draw, it seems they let her do it every day.

This first one is a girl saying good night to the fairy that sits on top of her music box:

The size of the actual drawing is quite small, she really had to do some fine lines in there to get the fairy the way she wanted it.

The second picture has a lot going on:

I had to ask about most of the picture, and I figured I would just post a visual aid so you can see some of the finer points. I find it especially funny that it has a boombox and a phone with a cord, as these are things that we don't own. I think she sees them on her cartoons though, so that helps explain them.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Cat fights

Our new Kitties have been getting a long pretty well, but every once in a while there's a brawl that goes down. Pumpkin doesn't like that they fight, so she made this sign for them. The last time they fought, she yelled at them "Didn't you see my sign!?!"

Oh if only life worked like that, I would leave signs everywhere...

Monday, May 12, 2014

Experimenting with watercolors

Pumpkin Pie is always up for trying new things. Whether that means using an entire roll of scotch tape to make a rainbow paper strip whip, or busting out her water colors when we're not looking, the results are always interesting, if not messy.

Here's Pumpkin's first attempt at painting with watercolors. When she was painting this picture I think she realized that she needed to have some sort of outline for the girl:

On her next attempt she first drew the picture in pencil first. I think it makes a really cool effect:

And finally, on this picture she used pencil first, and then watercolors on everything except for the eyes. For the eyes she used a blue marker because she didn't want them to go outside the lines.

And then there's the mess that accompanied all this... but that's another post entirely.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sunday Clean Up

Some days when I dig through the piles of paper in her play room, I find a hidden gem like this flashcard she made for her little sister:

Other times, I come across the exact opposite like this Forever Alone girl:

But the best part is, there's always a new pile of artwork to look through. :)

Saturday, May 10, 2014

A Mother's Day Book

            Mother's day is a great way to show appreciation for the women in our lives that helped shape us into who we are. I would like say thank you for all you do to all the special women out there raising our youth. Whether you are a mother, grandmother, teacher, step-mother, or any other positive female role model, we love you.

           Pumpkin Pie would also like to say...

And now for a special Mother's Day treat, here is one of Pumpkin Pie's very own Lisa books. Lisa is a character that she made up, but that also seems to be loosely based on our family. This book is very appropriate for Mother's Day as it is actually about giving birth! I hope you all enjoy "Lisa and the Crying Baby New Sister."

Happy Mother's Day Everyone! We'll see you tomorrow!

Friday, May 9, 2014


I don't know if you've heard, but Disney had this movie last year called Frozen. What's that? You did hear about it? You can't get the songs out of your head? Yeah me neither... Here's some fan art from Pumpkin:

Here's a quick Olaf sketch, she drew from memory. Do you want to build a snowman?

And here's Elsa and Anna as kids:

Ok on to the crazy stuff. Here's a picture of Anna that was so big that the head wasn't going to fit. I suggested she make the head on a separate page and tape it on, here's the result:

And after that one, well she thought it was so cool to do it that way that she made Elsa big on purpose. I had to Photoshop this one together as the head was falling off:

I just looked at her and said "Great job honey!"  I don't even know what else to say sometimes.

Also I wanted to add that Pumpkin Pie got to meet Elsa and Anna at our local Pottery Store "Once Upon a Kiln" Can you tell she was super excited?

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Going up in the Big Apple!

         Over Christmas break, we took a trip to see Pumpkin Pie's great aunt and uncle. They live in New York City in a very nice apartment in Manhattan. We got to see central park on a rather nice day considering it was December, and then we went to the Big Apple Circus the next day. So with all that excitement, what did she decide to draw a picture of? Why, the elevator of course:

Damn I look good with my skinny jeans and my Popeye arm!

Today we also had some art come home from school. Among them was this picture of a girl practicing at dance class. 

And Finally this picture which has no description:

When asked what was going on in the picture, she clammed up, and said she didn't know. My guess, its a highly sophisticated tickle torture machine that is powered with a two-person treadmill. If you have any ideas though, I'm all ears.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

TBT - A year's worth of My Little Pony (in 4 pictures)

              It's Throwback Thursday again, so as promised, here are some My Little Pony pictures from Pumpkin Pie's Art Binder.

This one is Rainbow Dash doing her patented SONIC RAINBOOM!

Here's another Rainbow Dash from a couple months later:

Next we have Rarity using her magic to make a dress. You can see the Magic around her horn and around the flowers. The yellow outline is a pony Mannequin: 

And the last one to cover the span of a year of ponies is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza:

We had a couple of laughs about her horn behind the scenes, anyways... 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Twilight Sparkle + Castle

            First off, Pumpkin got a pretty cool note from the principal of her school today:

We have yet to see this book, and it was something she worked on during "Choice Time" at school.

            OK, On to the drawings. Pumpkin Pie is like most girls her age, she is into "My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic", and she loves to draw them. Here is Princess Twilight Sparkle (very important to note that she has wings, and is therefore a princess.)

          And here is a girl playing with a My Little Pony castle of some sort:

Tomorrow, we'll post some TBT pictures of old My Little Pony drawings. See you then...